For those who follow a fairy-related spiritual path, Midsummer and the Rising of the Pleiades mark an important holiday. The energy around this celebration is cheerful. Interactions that occur at this time between humans and denizens of Fairy have overall positive outcomes.
If you have been reading all my posts about Fairy holidays and are familiar with everything that happened since I returned from the last year’s trip to Ireland, I apologize to you because this may sound a little repetitive. If, however, you just came across this blog, then I must provide a little bit of context; I would also suggest to go back and read some of the older posts about fairy holidays, rituals, and Liminal Powers or Fairy Gods. These posts will shed light on what you are about to read and make it look less strange.
Last year, while in Ireland, I have been tasked by the fairy beings I work for (and with) to open portals between human world and the Otherworld, and to diligently keep these portals open. I have to do this at specific times throughout the year. Opening such portals is a sacred endeavor for me, as much as it is a reason for joy and celebration. So, for me, this whole process takes the form of ritual followed by feasting.
The purpose for opening such portals is to give more free access to beings and energies of Fairy to flow into the human world which is in dire need for re-enchanting (Daimler, 2018; id. 2020). It is a necessary thing for both sides, fairy and human, because it can restore a heavily compromised balance. Influx of Fairy would shake things up on our side, and this has to be done: diminishing of fairy presence by aggressively blocking their access and displacement of their populations1 – knowingly or unknowingly- has brought about problems on every imaginable level. Just take a look at the ecological, health, and spiritual crises humanity is confronted as we speak.
I tend to follow the same outline for all the portal opening rituals. The only change is that I call on different Powers depending on the season or the time when the ritual takes place. On my fairy-led spiritual path, I follow a calendar that is both star-based and takes into account solstices and equinoxes. It sounds complicated? It actually is. I am thus trying to make things simpler by creating resources for those who, like myself, feel called to follow a spiritual path that is fairy-led.
Outline for the Ritual
- Stand at the center of the space where the ritual will take place. Face the direction that you would usually face when beginning a ritual. For example, I begin facing my altar by the Fairy Tree, which is in the East.)
- Announce what you are about to do, using words like: “I am setting sacred space. In this sacred space I will open a portal between worlds, human and Fairy, a portal that shall allow the two worlds to merge within the confines of the space that I dedicate to this purpose”.
- Turning to the right, walk a spiral path that starts at the center and gradually expands toward the periphery of the space. I have a copper bowl filled with water in which I soak herbs that I know are pleasant to fairies and Fairy Higher Powers; I sprinkle water on the ground as I walk around and repeat my intention out loud. You can walk one several coils, depending on how large your space is. My own space accommodates a 3-coils spiral.
- When you reach the periphery of the space, walk one full circle to mark the outer boundary. As I walk around this last full circle, I sprinkle herb-infused water on the ground. In my experience, it makes the space feel really good, and it is a nice way to welcome the Powers that I seek to invite.
- Mark the space with yarn or thread, any color that is suggestive of the ritual you are conducting, any color that you relate to boundaries and protection. Check with your fairy allies that the yarn color you use is not perceived by them as repelling. Move clockwise to mark the bounds with yarn, affirming your intention to define the sacred space where the portal will open for the Powers and your allies to come through. (This step is optional)
- Light up a candle – kept in a jar or lantern- to mark the outer boundaries of the portal with fire. If you prefer a censer with smoldering herbs or incense work fine; do what feels best for you. Walk the outer boundary clockwise carrying the flame and declare the space protected by the power of fire, the power of the sun, so no inimical, unhael /unholy beings shall pass. Use your own words, and any formulation that feels right. You can prepare your words in advance or follow along with wherever inspiration takes you. After circling once, take the candle and put it somewhere safe and out of the way so I shall no trip over it. From this point on you are not allowed to move past the circumference of the sacred space.
- After you finished walking the circle that defines the outer boundary of your ritual space and sets the size of the portal, acknowledge the Pleiades, the Seven Sister, Seven Queen, or the Hen and Chicken as I knew it while growing up. Pleiades Acronychal rising is the marker for the liminal time we are entering, and there is plenty of evidence that fairies time various holidays based on star cycles.
- You can now begin to invite the Powers associated with Midsummer. Feel free to adapt what is described next.
In my practice I acknowledge nine Fairy Liminal Powers, or Fairy Liminal Gods. In my own experience, three among these seven relate to the Autumn Equinox: Keeper of the Passages/The Gatekeeper, Queen of Apples, and The Horned Lord. These three Fairy Gods are the ones who I call following the four which I see as more foundational in their nature and whom I call first. I call seven Powers in total anchor the portal, and bring balance and the blessings of the season through the months to come.
- Begin the ritual by standing at the center of the space. In my case the ritual space is in my own backyard.
- You will making the first round of offerings of water, or if you prefer, sweet tea, grape juice, apple cider. I have prepared in advance a jug with fresh water which will be the first offering I’ll make to the Powers.
First call out the four Powers, who I believe to be foundational: The Queen of Waters, The Queen of Flame/The Ever-Shining One, The Queen of Winds, and The Queen of Ancient Earth and Stones. You can call them in any order you chose. For me personally, the order is arbitrary since I do not have any fixed set of correspondences linking a Power to a specific cardinal direction. I call one of the four Powers, then I simply make a quarter turn and call the next one.
- Stand at the center, facing the altar, fairy tree if you have one, or the direction you chose to begin. A lot of people who work fairy magic begin their rituals facing East.
Call the Ever-Shining One/ Queen of Flame. She is the gold on treetops at sunset; she is behind the reds and purples in the morning sky; she’s in the tender warmth that make snow melt and first flowers peak through in springtime; she’s in the merciless heat the scourges man and beast and leaving deep cracks into rock-hard ground; she’s deep into the Earth where all is but fire, where molten rocks flow like rivers carrying continental plates on their backs. She’s in the moonshine that brightens up night, and she’s the glow of every star.
Ask The Queen of Flame to receive the offerings and cast her benevolent light upon the ritual space and those in it; ask her to anchor the portal you are about to open and keep it safe and sturdy. Pour out some of the water for her.
- Turn to your left. If you started facing East, now you will face North.
Call the Queen of Ancient Earth and Stone. She is part of the Earth itself and any earthy body in the Universe. She is withing rocky grounds and fertile soil. She holds the potential for seeds to hibernate, germinate, grow into mighty trees, and then receive them back when they die. She is the power within crystals, gems, and metals. She’s in the walls of caves and sandy bottom of seas and rivers. She’s the one who hides or uncovers springs, and is behind the healing powers of waters. She’s present within the magnificent desolation of deserts and the alluring sandy beaches. She supports life and receives the bodies which life has deserted: she is both the nurturer and the recycler.
Invite her presence and her blessing in the ritual space that you have created. Ask the Queen of Ancient Earth and Stones to receive the offerings and bring her strength and nurturing into the space and those in it; ask her to anchor the portal you are about to open and keep it safe and sturdy. Pour out some of the water for her.
- Turn to your left. If you started facing East, now after the second turn you are facing West.
Call to the Queen of Winds: she holds power over first and last breath, she is the air in the freshly aerated soil awaiting the seeds to fell and nestle in. She is the hollow and mysteries of caves, and the bubbles in the lacy crests of ocean waves. She’s in the burning fire logs, the flight of sparks and the popping sound of burning wood. She’s in the fluffiness of snow but also in the deadly blizzards. She is in the summer storms, hurricane winds, the gentle breeze in springtime, and in the forest’s cool shadow in summer time.
Invite her presence and her blessing in the ritual space that you have created.
Ask the Queen of Winds to receive the offerings and bring her strength and nurturing into the space and those in it; ask her to anchor the portal you are about to open and keep it safe and sturdy. Pour out some of the water for her.
- Turn to your left. If you started facing East, now after the third turn you are facing South.
Call to the Queen of Waters/ The Ever-flowing One. She is the spirit present in the raindrops enlivening the land, nourishing vegetation and animals; she’s is present in the downpour making torrents and rivers swell and drown everything in their path; she’s is present in oceans and sees as much as it is present in the crystal-clear lakes, mountain springs and small puddles. She is within tears and dew drops, in the pearls of sweat rolling down the skin, in the blood, as well as in the plants’ juices.
Ask the Queen of Waters to receive the offerings and to bring her strength and nurturing into the ritual space and those in it; ask her to anchor the portal you are about to open and keep it safe and sturdy. Pour out some of the water for her.
Open and anchor portal.
Art credit: Pixabay
Next, call the other three Liminal Powers connected with the Midsummer and with this time of the year. To call each of them, you will turn counter-clockwise about one third of the circle that marks your ritual space. Just approximate how far you turn. Don’t worry about being supper precise and don’t check if you turned 120° degrees exactly: keep in mind that this is a magical ritual not a geometry lesson.
- Stand facing any direction you feel drawn to. Call the Keeper of the Passages/Gatekeeper. He is the guardian of portals between worlds, opener of doors that are locked in the human world and in the Other. When he doesn’t have a key to offer you directly, he’ll help you blast the obstacles that block your path. He is behind the energy released in magic to manifest or dissolve. Ask him to open the gates between worlds and keep them wide open throughout he ritual.
Ask the Gatekeeper to grant free passage, from one side and the other, only to those among humans and fairies who are goodly inclined toward each other’s world and its inhabitants, the ones who are needed to restore balance on both sides. Invite his presence and his blessing in the ritual space that you are creating. Welcome the Keeper of the Passages, and pour out some water as an offering for him.
- Turn about a third of the circle and call the Queen of Apples, beholder of vitality and life-force, she who embodies abundance, whether on fields, orchards, or as the health and vigor of mind and body. She is joy and zest for life, health and vibrancy, sensuality and sexuality. She encapsulates the energies of the seed that will become the apple tree (of any tree for that matter) whose twigs can be made into wands used in healing work, and whose fruit nourishes and heals. She is the essence of personal power personal sovereignty.
Invite her presence and her blessings in the ritual space. Welcome the Queen of Apples and pour out some water as an offering to her.
- Turn another third of a circle, and call the Horned Lord. He is the energy of the ripe grapes ready to turn into wine, the plentiful of crops reaching the storage, the physical strength of people, domestic beasts and wildlife, cheerfulness and merriment, the beauty of the season as leaves turn color, and fierceness of stags fighting for mates and territory. I invite his presence and his blessings in the ritual space that I am creating. I welcome the Horned Lord, and pour out some water as an offering to him.
You are now going to open the portal. Use a ritual blade made of copper, bronze, or silver. The blade can be any size and style: a sword, a knife, a letter opener. You may use a stick or a wand made of a wood that has fairy associations. Apple, Hazel, Birch, Oak, are few suggestions.
-To open the portal, turn counterclockwise, either pivoting in place or walking the boundaries of the circle holding the blade or wand up above your head. See yourself cutting a round opening that matches the ritual space. Focus strongly on opening the portal. Say out loud these words or similar ones: “I am opening a portal between worlds, between Fairy and the world of mortals. The Liminal Powers themselves ground and guard this portal. Starlight shall flow through. Hael and holly beings, goodly inclined toward me and mine, my Fairy allies – I welcome you and honor you at this time when the Seven Sisters (or however you chose to call the Pleiades) herald your arrival, illuminating your Path.“
- Stand at the center of the space, or by the altar if you sat up one, and face any direction you wish. Invite the Fairy Queen or King that you are devoted to or connected with, if there is/are any. Pour out water for them too. Affirm that the portal is open for them to move through as they please, and ask them to guard it against any inimical being that may want to come in.
- If you believe that you have ancestors or relatives in Fairy, invite them to join. Pour out water for them. Affirm that the portal is open for them to move through as they please, and ask them to guard it against any inimical being that may want to come in.
- Invite your fairy familiar(s) and allies. Pour out water for each of them, and greet them individually. Affirm that the portal is open for them to move through as they please, and ask them to guard it against any inimical being that may want to come.
- Express your gratitude for the presence and support coming from those that you invited and the peoples they represent.
- Intend for the portal to remain open and bridge the worlds asunder, human and Fairy.
- Present the offerings of food, and other drinks if you have any (I usually have cakes3, or fresh bread and butter, fresh fruit, or a portion of what I have cooked for myself and my family. I may also offer milk, wine, beer, fruit juice etc. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but whatever it is, it shall be the best quality you can afford.)
- If you have any other offering, such as song, dance, or reading aloud something special that you chose for Them, you can deliver that now.
- You can burn incense or fragrant herbs as part of offerings. (MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON’T BURN ANYTHING TOXIC!!)
- Leave the offerings in their dishes in the ritual space for as long as you plan to be around celebrating the Midsummer. Please keep in mind that the ritual itself focuses on opening a portal between Fairy and the human world. Celebrating the Midsummer is part of this ritual, but it is more of a backdrop rather than the purpose itself.
- If you created a yarn boundary, you can remove it now or later; go counterclockwise when you do this.
My intention here is to provide an outline of a ritual that focuses on the opening of a portal between Fairy and the human world. I time this ritual in conjunction with both the Rising of the Pleiades and Midsummer. Where I live, the Pleiades are not visible above horizon on the exact astronomical date of the Summer Solstice so it feels only natural to have all celebrations done on the Midsummer Eve. Align your practice with whatever timing you feel is right for you, such as celebrating on the actual Summer Solstice, although could miss the Pleiades who may not be visible unless you live in a very wide-open space or on a hilltop with no trees around.
Adapt the ritual described here to suit your beliefs and style of practice: whatever you do make sure that it fells authentic to you. I sometimes find other people’s recommendations for practice to fit perfectly my own beliefs and personal taste, in which case I adopt the ritual and credit the source where I learned it from. Some other times, I come with things that are entirely my own. This specific ritual is based on recommendations made by Morgan Daimler in their books “Living Fairy” and “Traveling the Fairy Path”, with added elements from Cat Heath’s approach to setting sacred space as she describes in “Elves, Gods & Witches” (see “Resources”), but in developing the ritual into the form described here I also followed what my elven guides recommended.
I suggest that you get familiar with the script in advance, and prepare your supplies and offerings before starting. Elaborate your ritual components and celebratory aspects as much as you like.
Make merry and feast, and when you are done, pour out the offerings: you can bury them, put them into fire if you are having a fire lit for the occasion, leave them on a rock, by a tree, or on and outdoor altar if you have one. Be careful about what you leave outside, and make sure it is not toxic for the wildlife or the vegetation around. Alcohol is damaging for herbs and animals, and chocolate is toxic for dogs and the canis family in general (wolves, coyotes, foxes – etc), so best burry or burn those items.
Since there is no plan to close this portal, find a moment to tell your Fairy invitees that they may stay or leave as they wish. A while ago I learned the formula “In good will and perfect trust/ stay if you will, go if you must.” I like it and still use it although I occasionally play around with the wording. Ask the Keeper of Passages and those whom you entrust with protection to guard the portal.
Let the ritual melt into the rest of your evening, or night, without closing abruptly. The ritual itself extending naturally into feasting and celebration mirrors the opening of the portal and the smooth flow between worlds, a subtle but continuous process without any steep halting to it.
Happy Autumn Equinox, and may the light of stars always shine bright on your path,
PS. I will give more details about the nine Liminal Powers in an upcoming post, as well as templates for rituals for different occasions.
1 As Norsemen began to populate Iceland they encountered the local land wights and alfs who acted benevolently toward the newly arrived. Making offerings and treating the local wights and alfs with respect ensured humans’ survival. Wights shared knowledge and made crops and game plentiful. Advancing of Christianity destroyed the balance. Priests sprinkled holy water on places where alfs dwelt, making them leave. In leaving, however, the alfs and wights took away the land’s abundance, and people were left to deal with the problem. (Gundarsson, 2007; id.1993) In feuding against each other, chieftains and kings intentionally offended the wights and alfs dwelling into the opponents’ land to cause opponents' downfall, because without protection form local alfs and wights no ruler has control or power over land. (Gundarsson, 2007; id.1993) In Ireland, fairies seem to be bothered by church bells ringing which may case them to abandon an area. (; Daimler, 2017; id. 2020) Destruction of fairy places is another reason for them to leave, oftentimes not before taking revenge on the humans who caused the destruction. (Gundarson, 2007; Paxon, 2021)
2 Portals open automatically at different times and/or in specific places, but ritual action actively supports the process by landing more energy to it. More over, through ritual action, such portals can be anchored into physical places so they become permanent or semi-permanent. With these in mind, portals are not to be opened randomly and carelessly.
3 Daimler, “Living Fairy,” 2020.
4 For details you may check Daniela Simina, Pagan Portals “A Fairy Path: The Memoir of a Young Fairy Seer in Training”, 2023, autobiographic.
Bibliography and Resources
Carding, Emily “Faery Craft: Weaving Connections with the Enchanted Realm”, 2012
Daimler, Morgan “Travelling the Fairy Path”, 2018
Daimler, Morgan “Living Fairy”, 2020
Daimler, Morgan “Fairies: A Guide to the Celtic Fair Folk”, 2017
Daimler, Morgan “A Modern Dictionary of Fairies: A 21st Century Exploration of Celtic and Realted Western European Fairies”, 2020
Gundarsson, Kveldulf “Teutonic Religion: Folk Beliefs and Practices of the Northern Traditions”, 1993
Gundarsson Kveldulf “Elves, Wights, and Trolls: Studies Towards the Practice of Germanic Hethenry, Vol.1”, 2007
Paxon, Diana, L. “Taking up the Runes: A Complete Guide to Using Runes in Spells, Rituals, Divination, and Magic”, 2021
Simina, Daniela, “A Fairy Path: The Memoir of a Young Fairy Seer in Training”, 2023
On-line articles:
Winifred Hodge Rose, "Land Wights and Human Ecology", 2013,
“The Fairy Swelling on Selena Mor”
Daimler, Morgan “Liminal Gods- Deeper Theology”, January, 2021
“The School Collection”,
Seo Helrune, "Elves and Witchcraft, Seidr and Grimoirs" ,
Seo Helrune, "Elves and Witches: A Survival Guide", for access to class recording and materials, contact Set Helrune at
Morgan Daimler, "Pulling the Wings off Fairies"
Daniela Simina, "Fairycrafting: The Art of Fairy Magic", 3 parts course offered bi-annually. Email Daniela Simina at or check SiminaYoga on Facebook for announcements regarding course dates and description.