Sunday, December 26, 2021

Out with the Old, in with the New! Magic for New Year’s Eve

Since the oldest of times people marked the transition from one season to the next and liminal times such as the threshold between years through ritual and magic.  Mark the departure of 2022 and the arrival 2023 with a short, simple, yet powerful charm intended not only to spice up New Years Eve but to lend energetic support to your intentions, whether they revolve around letting go or manifesting something new. 

This can become a family activity. Adults and children could learn valuable skills such as planning, goal setting, prioritizing, and gaining motivation. This is a great way to find closure through ritually releasing feelings and thoughts about habits, situations, and people that one wishes to part ways with.

Image by Leandro De Carvalho from Pixabay                                       

I usually begin this practice sitting by my altar, but any quiet space would do. You can gather the family members together, maybe sitting around the table, or each can work in separate quarters, and only gather for the final act. 

I like to light up a candle, and then collect my thoughts for few moments. If you wish you can play music in the background; surround yourself with anything that makes the moment feel tranquil and special.


On one piece of paper I would write all things that I want to release, let go, purge from my life.


On the other piece of paper, I would write the things that I want to see coming to fruition in the year ahead. I mentioned 7 objectives in the previous post, and this can be a reiteration of the same list, or it can be literally the same list if I still have it.


Shortly before midnight, I shred to tiny pieces the letting-go list. As I do this, I focus on my intent of eradicating and eliminating from my life the items on the list. I set the shreds on fire while intending for the energy trapped into defective patterns and setbacks to be freed and made available. As I actively let go of the unnecessary, I will the freed-up energy to fuel other areas in my life. Then I’ll toss the ashes down the drain and flush. Use the toilet or the sink- the choice is yours.


I’ll make sure that midnight finds me with the second list in hand. It may be in my pocket, or anywhere where I can touch it. I ask for help from my Fairy Guides and Liminal Powers to accomplish what I wish to accomplish. You can ask for help whoever is on your team. Will the energy of the New Year to pour into your list and breathe life into the items you listed. I like to re-read the list as I go through this step, and then I set it aflame.[1] This paper gets burned outside. Watch the curls of smoke floating upward, carrying your petition to the higher powers- whichever powers you feel connected to. Make sure the ashes are cold before scattering them in the wind.


Be still. Notice what is happening- there may be small or not so small things to get your attention. What comes to your mind? What are you picking on? Are you being asked to do something in return for the help received? Write down all that you can, even of it doesn’t seem directly connected. It may appear in a different light later on. 


That’s it.


A little magic goes a long way… if backed up by practical steps. And practical steps reach farther and faster when backed up by a little magic. So watch what you are wishing for because…


Until next time, 

Happy New Year, and thank you for reading!

Daniela Svartheiðrin

[1] If you cannot do this part right away, if you are visiting or entertaining guests, you will burn the list later on, when circumstances would allow to do so safely and relaxed; just make sure that it’s getting done no later that sunset on January 1st

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